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Why this podcast, now?

Too often, we’re afraid to discuss the big M word – money. So, Tina created this podcast to have impactful conversations with my diverse group of friends and colleagues who are leaders in business, political and economic sectors and the artist & entertainers to discuss their relationship and journey with money.

As a global business owner/executive that has worked in a male-dominated environment and an advocate for women and children, Tina has asked the hard questions to challenge the status quo about money.

“I want to foster conversations that are thought-provoking and inspirational to unlock our fears, including how our institutions, policies, systems, and businesses play a role in race, sexism, and socioeconomic gaps that drive the perceived mental and physical financial freedoms. The link between our mindset/emotions to money is dynamic, and this podcast will hopefully open a window into unexplored topics that many experiences, but few discuss openly” –Tina Taylor

We are currently taping season 1. The launch date will be announced soon, so stay connected! All episodes will air on Sundays at noon EST.